Our Capabilities

Our studio provides photography, artwork production, 3D rendering and color retouching & management.

Photography / 摄影

Our 4,000 square foot space supports a comprehensive mix of commercial photography needs. We have a vast selection of backdrops, surfaces and props, and a fully functional kitchen for food photography. 拥有4000平方英尺大的摄影棚,能满足各种商业摄影的需求。具备众多用于商业摄影的背景场景和道具,同时也有功能齐全的厨房布景可为各种食品类产品进行拍摄。

Production / 包装图稿制作

Our production team combines global branding experience with an eye for consistency and detail. Multi-lingual, we manage brands both separately and in conjunction with our US and UK teams. 我们的图稿制作团队累积了全球各大品牌包装制作的经验,致力于一切细节来保障图稿的一致性。多语言沟通, 既独立管理品牌图稿的制作,也与我们的美国和英国团队进行紧密合作。

Rendering / 三维效果制作

Our 3D capabilities are perfect for producing pre-launch brand packaging or graphics. We frequently combine rendering with photography for complex packs shots and switch outs in scene photography. 我们的三维效果制作为产品的正式包装推出前提供了完美的效果展示。我们经常将一些较为复杂的图片拍摄采用三维制作与摄影相结合的方式来取代实景拍摄。

Retouching / 修图

In addition to complementing our photo and 3D capabilities, our retouching team creates, manages and adjusts brand graphics. 除了摄影和三维制作,我们的修图团队也会创建,管控和修饰调整品牌的包装设计图稿。